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62075H-30N 可程控直流电源供应器
作者:admin    来源:原创    发布日期:2013-8-9 15:36:51   点击次数:2560

62075H-30N Ultra-High Stability DC Power Supply

  • Power range : 7.5kW
  • Voltage range: 0 ~ 30V
  • Current range: 0 ~ 250A
  • High power density (7.5KW in 4U)
  • Easy Master/Slave parallel operation up to 30V/750A
  • Easy Master/Slave series operation up to 60V/250A
  • Current stability : 2.5mA(10ppm)
  • High-resolution current programming & Measurement: 20bit DAC/24bit ADC
  • Current Slew Rate Control
  • Output current waveform digitizing
  • OVP, Current Limit, Thermal protection
  • Standard USB Interface
  • Optional Ethernet/LXI interface
  • Safety interlock & Remote inhibit control (I/P)
  • Magnet power supply application
  • CE Certified


电话:0531-88950687 传真:0531-88950697 地址:济南市历下区解放路6号 鲁ICP备08004993号

版权所有 济南慧通达电子有限公司